How to Get Help for Adult ADHD

How to Get Help for Adult ADHD - The Meadows Texas

By Wesley Gallagher We’ve made significant progress in how we view, discuss, diagnose, and treat mental health disorders. While there has been a greater understanding of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, our understanding of ADHD in adults still lags behind. Historically, ADHD was seen as a childhood disorder. Only in the past couple […]

The Importance of Healthy Coping Skills

man taking a deep breathe outside in city

Coping skills. What exactly are these? Coping skills, also called coping strategies, are tools and techniques that help us deal with stress and manage our emotions. If you are recovering from mental health or addiction issues, coping strategies are essential for health and self-management. And even if you don’t have a diagnosis, coping skills are important as they lower stress and help solve problems during difficult times.