How Bad is Porn?

porn app on home screen of smart phone

By Bobby Shriver

Today we live in a world where pornography can be obtained within seconds, just like the weather forecast. Gone are the days when porn was only found on late-night TV or in the back magazine rack of a gas station convenience store. Now you can readily access it on demand for free on all your devices, from your computer at home to your phone on the go. 

As porn becomes more widespread and ubiquitous, it’s easy to overlook or become desensitized to its risks. In fact, a recent study conducted by nonprofit Fight the New Drug (FTND) revealed many people are misinformed or unaware of the potential risks of porn consumption. Yet porn’s influence is actually much larger and more consequential, from its detrimental effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health, to pornography addiction, and its damaging impact on personal relationships and cultural norms. 

As porn becomes more widespread and ubiquitous, it’s easy to overlook or become desensitized to its risks.

What Are the Negative Effects of Porn on Your Health?

So how bad is porn? To start, it’s important to understand its powerful influence on our personal health. According to FTND, multiple peer-reviewed studies link porn consumption to the following mental health outcomes:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness
  • Stress
  • Lower life satisfaction
  • Poorer self-esteem
  • Poorer social functioning
  • Poorer mental health

And as porn consumers struggle with their mental health, they seek comfort by viewing more porn, eventually skipping out on hobbies and connection with friends or family. This isolating cycle only makes them more vulnerable to mental and emotional challenges. 

With that said, porn presents physical health challenges as well. Research links higher porn consumption with increasing cases of erectile dysfunction among men, Everyday Health shares. These studies showed 30% of men below 35 who watched 300 minutes of pornography a week experienced erectile dysfunction, and for men ages 35-45, it was 40%. These findings also connect frequent porn consumption among men to a lower quality sex life with their partner due to becoming desensitized to stimulation over time. As a result, they often need to watch more porn to reach the level of arousal required to achieve an erection. 

Pornography Addiction: When Porn Feels Impossible to Quit

As porn exposure becomes a regular part of your life, it can develop into compulsive behavior and a serious addiction that can be difficult to stop. Porn addiction can lead to several negative consequences, from work and family obligations not being met to poor well-being and damaged relationships. As consumption becomes more routine, it escalates into the need for more graphic, extreme pornography. Over time, those addicted can become so numb to porn that they may choose to act out sexually in the real world in dangerous ways that harm themselves and others. 

Over time, those addicted can become so numb to porn that they may choose to act out sexually in the real world in dangerous ways that harm themselves and others. 

What Are the Effects of Porn on Relationships and Culture? 

With all the negative effects of porn on personal health, it’s fair to wonder how bad porn’s impact is on the community surrounding those who consume it. Unfortunately, porn consumption can cause collateral damage in our personal relationships. Those who discover their partner’s porn habit can often experience a deep sense of betrayal and mistrust, says FTND. Consequently, these significant others can feel rejection, loneliness, anger, and shame as a result. 

But what are the effects of porn on society at large? Extensive research around the world shows a strong link between pornography consumption and sexually objectifying attitudes. Porn depicts people as bodies used primarily for sexual gratification, promoting sexual objectification, according to Sexuality & Culture. Those objectified can struggle with body shame and anxiety, leading to depression, eating disorders, and trauma. This sexual objectification can even result in a greater willingness among porn users to share intimate photos of others without their consent, reports Archives of Sexual Behavior in the National Library of Medicine.  

Yet porn’s fallout in our culture extends beyond sexual objectification. Studies conducted by The American Psychological Association indicate men first exposed to porn are more likely to want to exert power over women or engage in playboy behavior, two hallmarks of toxic masculinity. At the same time, FTND research showed porn fuels harmful gender stereotypes, often portraying men as dominant, controlling aggressors and women as submissive or weak and ready to have sex at any moment. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation also connects pornography to increased violence against women, greater demand for prostitution and sex trafficking, and child sexual abuse

Find Hope in Overcoming Pornography Addiction

As you consider the impact of pornography in our world today, it can be difficult to find hope, especially if you are struggling with a porn addiction. Yet like any addiction, you can break free from porn over time by taking healthy long-term steps in the right direction. And the first step is being honest with yourself and acknowledging the negative effects of porn in your life. With that said, to understand the root causes of your porn addiction and establish healthier behaviors, seeking professional help can be highly beneficial. 

At The Meadows Texas, we focus on whole-person care, not just a singular condition. That means our comprehensive treatment addresses how porn and any co-occurring disorders impact your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. With our help, you can overcome your addiction, find hope and wholeness, and ultimately change your story. Contact us today to begin your journey of lasting recovery.